Deeper Passion = Greater Faith | Greater - Jesus above all we seek. A series in the book of Hebrews | Pastor Johan Luque
Our True Battle - Series of Messages, Holding on to Faith, Pastor Michelle Cazas
Last Sermon on the series about the book of Acts Don't Give Up Now Pastor Johan Luque
Sermon series about the book of Acts Jump into the unknown Pastor Michelle Cazas
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 15 | Speaker: David Warren | Series: It's More Than Religion - It's a Passion
Every single Christian faces three enemies in his/her lifetime that pushes them to lose their religion, the world, the devil and the flesh. What does the Bible say about facing these giants through Christ's power and the Holy Spirit?
Questions and doubts about God, church and faith in general are part of our walk as believers. The danger is to think that giving up is the best solution. One of the reasons why people quit believing has to do with the idea that we are like a tree, the stronger and deeper the roots, the more we are able to keep on believing. Today's message encourages us to keep on believing by growing stronger roots.
In today's message, Pastor David continues teaching on the life of Samson - losing your religion is the easy way out.
Many of us find purpose in what we do for work. Some really love what they do while others struggle to experience fulfillment and are unhappy with their jobs. Christians are challenged to be salt and light, but how can this be possible when you are struggling to like your job?
What we do for work impacts the way how we see and feel about ourselves and others. Our culture says: "WHAT you do for work is what counts." God says: "It is HOW you do your work that counts." We were created to work because our jobs are an extension of God's creativity and plans for his creation. God cares about what you do, but He is more interested in how you do it.