We are in a series on Faith & Culture where we will explore what the Bible has to say about relevant issues such as Immigration, Relationships, Money, & Work. This week's message is about the second part of Faith & Immigration.
Estamos en una serie sobre Fe y Cultura donde exploraremos lo que la Biblia tiene que decir sobre temas relevantes como Inmigración, Relaciones, Dinero y Trabajo. El mensaje de esta semana es la segunda parte de Fe & Inmigración.
We are in a series on Faith & Culture where we will explore what the Bible has to say about relevant issues such as Immigration, Relationships, Money, & Work. This week, we will focus on immigration, an issue we hear about almost every day in the news--refugees fleeing violence, dreamers and DACA, the border wall, and national security. Please join us as we explore how the Christian faith interacts with this relevant and very important topic.
Estamos en una serie sobre Fe y Cultura donde exploraremos lo que la Biblia tiene que decir sobre temas relevantes como Inmigración, Relaciones, Dinero y Trabajo. Esta semana, nos enfocaremos en la inmigración, un tema que escuchamos casi todos día en las noticias: refugiados que huyen de la violencia, soñadores y DACA, el muro fronterizo y la seguridad nacional. Únase a nosotros mientras exploramos cómo la fe cristiana interactúa con este tema relevante y muy importante.
“I’m so grateful to be a part of a church community whose core values are calling out the Imago Dei and working toward restorative justice. It's not a small thing to be prayed for and supported in taking a team to the US/Mexico border to see firsthand those impacted by family separation, but also to have created space to share the experience with our congregation. Thank you Westside Church Internacional family for your shared concern for those suffering oppression and injustice. Let us continue to ask God to give us eyes to see how He wants to move us together toward action." Michelle Warren, Worship Pastor