Why do people walk away from church? There are many answers to this question. This is a real issue that Christianity in America is facing. The deeper problem is when people have lost their faith at all. Today's message opens a new series of teachings that deals with this reality. Pastor David begins this series teaching on the life of Samson, one of the Old Testament Judges.

Prayer Panel

June 16, 2019
Like with many other good things in life, prayer requires hard work and discipline. For many prayer can be something pointless, for others it is delightful. How do we enjoy prayer? Does it work? How can I maintain healthy rhythms when it comes to prayer? In today's message, the pastors encourages us to see prayer as a powerful gift that can transform and help us to grow as followers of Jesus.

First LOVE

June 9, 2019
It is very easy to think that doing the right thing is the same as loving God. When we focus on the external, our lives and faith can look great, but we might be missing the main thing. Today's message is a challenge to all of us to rethink what it means to love God.
In our culture we have the tendency to cheapen and worship sex. What does the Bible say about it? Sex is a special gift created by God for marriage! Husband and wife are given this gift for intimacy and enjoyment. Today's message explores what the Bible has to say about sex.
What do you do when you open your garage and discover that it is a mess and that things aren't in their place. Life and our Christian faith is similar, we sometimes forget to keep certain things in order. The Spring Cleaning Series touches on key topics of our faith that tend "to store in the garage." Today's message offers biblical wisdom on dating.


May 12, 2019
Each of us have been hurt at some point in our lives. Those experiences have left wounds in our hearts that we sometimes hide and try to move on. That pain becomes a type of treasure that we don't want to let go because we are hopeless about healing. Today's message offers wisdom on how to heal from that pain by daring to forgive those who have hurt us.
How do we heal when we have been deeply wounded by others? Can forgiveness be solution to the pain and anger we feel towards those who have hurt us? Joseph's story in Genesis shows us that forgiveness heals the heart.
We all have been in that place where we the heart is so wounded that we fear that the relationship with that other person would never be restored. Forgiveness is not easy and the goal is to be Better not Bitter. Today's message challenges us to practice forgiveness towards those who are hurt us.
There is a difference between real gold and fool's gold. We all are treasure hunters, we want to achieve or find something that have a high valuable to us. It came be, education, a perfect family, ideal job, or material possessions. The question is, are we looking for true treasures? The Bible speaks of the type of treasure that is rare and beautiful.

All of you

February 24, 2019
Imagine God giving you feedback about the worship that you bring to him and that at the end of the conversation you realize that it is not exactly what he asked of you. Romans 12:1-2 paints this picture of the worship that is pleasant to God. Today's message is a call to align our idea of worship with his to enjoy all the goodness that comes out of experiencing God's presence in our lives.