Connections & Manna - 9:30 am
Sunday Morning Gathering - 10:30 am

All times are Mountain Time

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Fellowship 9:30 am

Taste of Nations

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Loving God | Serving Neighbors | Welcoming Nations

Westside Church Connect

Bilingual Worship

We are a Denver church that welcomes diversity. We are intentional in creating a multiracial community and our contemporary, non-denominational Sunday morning service is translated into Spanish.

Taste of Nations

Taste of Nations is a place where we can learn, grow, and understand deeper the differences within our unique cultures.

// Third Sunday of every month after service


Serving is the best way to grow in relationship with others while using your unique gifts to love others in our multicultural community.

Children Ministry

We provide Sunday school for kids where they can learn about, and grow, in Christ.

Youth Program

For the older kids (high school age) we have open gym every week to provide a safe place for our youth to play and go deeper in learning about God.

Small Groups

Small Groups are a place for you to come as you are, share life with others in our multiethnic community, and grow in your walk with Jesus, together.

Young Adults Group

As Young Adults we thrive by being part of a multigenerational congregation, serving on a weekly basis, and gathering independently once every trimester.

Ministry Partners